a) They are elected by popular vote for 6 years
1. flooding
2. Old Kingdom
3. Rosetta Stone
4. monotheism
5. Sobekneferu
6. New Kingdom
7. The Nile was the main source of water and the main route of transit in ancient Egypt. Its annual flooding was predictable and enriched the soil, which made the Nile River Valley one of the most productive in the ancient world.
8. The Egyptians worshipped many gods. The pharaohs were not only the head of the religion in Egypt, but their rule was also thought to be ordained by the gods. Ancient Egyptians believed that the afterlife was similar to their living life and wanted to prepare people for a similar existence after death. As a result, for the pharaohs during the Old Kingdom, the pyramids were constructed as elaborate tombs that contained everything that a ruler might need in the afterlife.
A) Robert R. Lee and i'm almost 100% positive mark me brainlest