He was willing to trade the Sudetenland to maintain the peace.
Chamberlain wanted to appease for Germany, as he believed Britain had a big enough of a loss from WWI that he was willing to do anything, including trading Sudetenland, to maintain peace.
Its reform is one aspect of wider UN reform being considered by a high level panel formed by the Secretary General Kofi Annan last year.
Its reform is one aspect of wider UN reform being considered by a high level panel formed by the Secretary General Kofi Annan last year.
He did nothing, thinking the economic crisis would mend itself with time.
Hoover was a laissez-faire Republican who believed the government should not interfere with the economy.
Hoover's approach to the Great Depression was to do nothing initially. He believed it was a normal part of the boom-bust economic cycle. As the Depression moved on, Hoover used a method of volunteerism. Volunteerism asked those with money to give to others and to invest their money back into the banks and job creation.
Religious reasons
Most people that came here were because they wanted to escape persecution. Many people were persecuted for their relgious beliefs so they came here.