The attack on the united states in september 11 2001
Answer: How should the law respond to people who engage in civil with the aim of bringing about a change in laws or government policies. Some theorists go further and say that civil disobedience is, ... Accepting punishment also can have great strategic value, as Martin Luther King Jr observes: 'If you confront ...
Definitions · Justification · Rights · Punishment
Despite not posting a cartoon, there is an answer that would be an accurate interpretation of both Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the 1940s and of Lyndon B. Johnson's domestic policy during his term as president in the 1960s. The correct answer is D) Johnson became so consumed with international power that he ignored legislative policies on the homefront.
The main initiative durin Lyndon B. Johnson's presidency was the Vietnam War. While he focused on it as part of American international policy, fisures began to separate American society. His approval ratings dropped from 70% in mid-1965 to below 40% in 1967. Similar to Johnson's emphasis on war-based international politics, Franklin D. Roosevelt also went from crafting the New Deal to the war effort once The USA entered WWII.
Abrogated is a repeal or do away with law, right or formal agreement
Option: 1. People are responsible for their choices.
Dante Alighieri was an Italian poet best known for The Divine Comedy. The work of Dante created a change in ways of reasoning which showed a shift from Medieval to Renaissance period. The change began when people were encountering new things and developing ideas.
During the medieval period, people were devoted to religion and society based on church believes. People believed that good things in life come due to the generosity of God. Salvation to the people from their suffering and sins was very much important.