To me, this quote sounds something like civil rights leader Malcolm X would say, or someone from the Black Panther Party. Malcolm X believed in black supremacy and thought that black people should use any method possible to be equal to whites. The Black Panther Party, however, believed that blacks needed to take control and the would do any means possible to achieve this.
Hi there!
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) aroused opposition from different groups of people many times throughout his time as president. Controversial programs such as the New Deal programs are one such example. However, nothing aroused as much opposition as his court packing plan. This plan, if put into effect, would weaken the power of the court by packing it with more people who sympathized with his views. He received heavy backlash from both parties in Congress as well as the American people.
Gun control measures passed by President Clinton requiered background checks to buy guns. This is known as the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, often referred to as the Brady Act or Brady Bill. This act mandated federal background checks on firearms purchasers in the United States, and imposed a five-day waiting period on purchases, until the NICS system was implemented.
Answer: It’s Euclid and Pythagoras