C.) a rotting log I think
Júpiter, Saturno, Urano, Neptuno,
(espero que sean simplemente los del sistema solar)
This type of research is aims to gain understanding of the motivations,
reasons and opinions behind the concept or subject being studied. This method is
used in many fields of study such as the social sciences, business, market
research, and even the natural sciences.
This collection of information is an example of public behavior.
-Private information refers to information that is linked to people and provides details about their lives.
-Public information refers to information that is not confidential and is available to everyone.
-Private behavior refers to a behavior that is not accessible to any individual apart from the person that does that.
-Public behavior refers to a behavior that can be observed by anyone.
According to the definitions and the information provided, the answer is that this collection of information is an example of public behavior because the researcher is in a public place and she is observing people's behaviors that can be seen by anyone.