Physical exercise
Gross motor skills are skills that involve using large muscles in the torso, arms, and legs to complete physical tasks. Physical exercise would help a child develop gross motor skills and build up their muscles.
Constantine was an awesome military officer winning real triumphs over many nations.
In a fight one glorious morning, Constantine was conclusively fruitful, and he found himself able to enter Rome on the following day. On entering Rome, Constantine set out on an extensive purposeful publicity crusade to legitimize his principle and depict himself as a deliverer over the despot Maxentius.
Constantine had the capacity unite his part, demonstrating his military predominance over his adversaries. In 313, he marked with Licinius the order of Milan. This authorized Christianity and permitted flexibility of love. This proclamation was frequently disregarded, yet it was still a critical minute with the rule of enduring Christianity acknowledged inside of the Roman domain.
The third president was Thomas Jefferson.
The USA PATRIOT Act is an abbreviation for <u>'Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism.'</u> The Act was enacted in the Constitution after September 11, 2001, attack in America. <u>The purpose of this act was to prevent any terrorist attacks or activities and to protect the citizens</u>. The act was signed into law by President George Washington Bush on 26th October 2001.
<u>After the act has come into pass, it has helped to combat and prevent many terrorist attacks on America. This act has helped to bring many successful operations.</u>
Thus the correct answer is option C.