Slaveholders wanted to expand slavery west, and conflict broke out between anti-slavery and pro-slavery Americans in Kansas I.E Bloody Kansas.
2. Because it set the precedent through the Supreme Court that blacks whether free or still in slavery were not citizens and were considered property (if slaves), therefore could not sue in court. The north was primarily against slavery whereas the South was pro-slavery.
What was one of the reasons that Anti-Federalists were opposed to the Constitution?
A) They felt the Constitution gave too much power to the individual states.
B) They worried that the new government would be too much like England's government.
C) They wanted the national government to have the power to tax the states.
D) They did not want the Constitution to include a Bill of Rights.
Following group was most denied the protection of democratic principles because of Executive Order 9066 :
( A ) Japanese Americans
This statement is true. Arizona, New Mexico and Nevada must honor the Indian Reservation treaties drawn upon by the government for the Indian Nations. These agreements must be honored by the people and the government of Arizona, New Mexico and Nevada in order to maintain a smooth-sailing relationship with the countries and states involved in these treatises. The Indian Nations in these treatises are given the rightful protection and freedom from unnecessary possible oppression that may happen to their land, people and properties for that matter.