Toxic Substances Control Act
Administered by the Environmental Protection Agency of the united states of America, the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976 authorizes EPA to regulate the chemicals, record-keeping and testing, distribution of chemicals and restrictions on chemical substances and/or mixtures. Some substances, including food, drugs, cosmetics, and pesticides, are generally excluded from TSCA.
one major reason why ancient Greece was dominated by small city-states and independent towns, rather than by one all-powerful king, is its geography. ... Such a calm and easily navigable sea provided the Greeks with an opportunity to found new colonies in times of crisis and overpopulation.
The view of the socialization process is most likely of particular interest to symbolic interactionism.
Symbolic interactionism is a sociological perspective among those called the micro theories. It focuses on the socialization process and how it affects the sense of self a person has as well as the learning of different roles within society. Symbolic interactionism has found that the school is an important socialization agent, teaching, through role play and game, roles and rules of the larger society. It is also the next socialization agent that children encounter outside their family, which according to symbolic interactionism, is the first socialization agent.
zoning ordinance
An exercise of the police power by a municipality to regulate and control the character and use of the property is called a zoning ordinance.