Answer: B. The arrival of the shipwrecked passengers has opened her eyes to life's great possibilities.
Miranda, one of the main characters from <em>The Tempest</em>, is a young woman who has lived in the island her whole life. Her only companions have been her father, Prospero, and the magical creatures Ariel and Caliban. Miranda utters this line when she sees all the shipwrecked passengers. She had never seen men like this before, and she is amazed. This has made her realize that there are many things in the world she has never experienced, and she is now aware of all these possibilities.
Lots of people refer to cold as a personality like ruthless or mean so mint is just another way of saying something like her life was icy cold or she gave me the cold shoulder.
Women go through many difficult things that men have no idea the feelings of. Women have to go through periods and the ability to be pregnant whereas men only have to deal with their penis which isn't really much of a "difficulty" compared to what women have to go through.
Huck found out that Moses was dead and no use to anyone.
Pizza has multiple layers onto one and it's affordable, but depending on the place you get it, pizza can be filled with grease, which is bad for your health. On the other hand, pasta is delicious and classy and is universally favored (except for people who dislike carbs). Pasta is healthy for you and it's easier to make (not from scratch though). I do not see the negative side of pasta, but that's all I got.