From his muddy outpost on the front line in North Iraq, Grim can see the black flag of the Islamic State snapping in the wind just 500 metres away.
The 52-year-old Boston native – who several months ago found his way to a peshmerga base south of Kirkuk – sits in a crude breeze-block shelter, surrounded by mud and dirt, gunfire crackling in the background.
Answer: While c. 476 CE is the traditionally accepted date for the end of the Western Roman Empire, that entity did continue on under the rule of Odoacer (r. 476-493 CE) who, officially anyway, was simply ruling in place of the deposed emperor Julius Nepos (who had been deposed by the general Orestes who had placed his son, Romulus Augustulus, on the throne).
President Anwar Sadat of Egypt had worked together with Israel's prime minister Menachem Begin, at the urging of US President Jimmy Carter. They met at Camp David in the US for 12 days in September of 1978, and worked out the Camp David Accords. Egypt and Israel later signed the Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty in March of 1979 -- a peace between Egypt and Israel that has lasted to the present day.
Sadat, however, paid a price for his peace efforts. Islamist activists in Egypt heatedly opposed him because of his moderation. Sadat was assassinated in October, 1981.
Generally speaking, agriculture developed between 9000 and 1000 BCE as a result of "<span>A. The climate change that resulted from the end of the last ice age," since this change was essential for proper crop growth. </span>