A mother's diet before conception can permanently affect how her child's genes function, according to a study published in Nature Communications. A 2003 study found that a female mouse's diet can change her offspring's coat color by permanently modifying DNA methylation.
Question :What are forms of cell regulation
Answer: Regulator Molecules of the Cell Cycle. In addition to the internally controlled checkpoints, there are two groups of intracellular molecules that regulate the cell cycle. These regulatory molecules either promote progress of the cell to the next phase (positive regulation) or halt the cycle (negative regulation).
Remember: Any process that controls the series of events by which a cell goes through the cell cycle. During the cell cycle, a cell makes a copy of its DNA and other contents, and divides in two.
A rainforest is humid, therefore, water uptake would likely not be an issue. However, rainforests have a huge number of trees, often these are very tall. These large trees might block out the sun from the smaller plants nearer the ground. This means they would struggle to properly photosynthesise, as they wouldn't have the necessary light energy.
Therefore, as a survival adaptation, it is likely that an allele that produced broader leaves for photosynthesis would be selected for in this population. Broader leaves would give a larger surface area for the plant to absorb light energy to perform photosynthesis.
The animals of the Earth and their environment the history of life on Earth how people and animals interact and live how living organisms interact and function Biology answers many questions, but its main focus is how living organisms interact and function.