La mayor parte de la biodiversidad mundial (15 -20%) se encuentra en Brasil. Es internacionalmente reconocido como el principal de los 17 países, llamados megadiversos. Según estimaciones oficiales del país carioca, hay 2,4 millones de especies en el país
Después, el señor Robles manejo en su carro a su casa
Hi, Toni, I'm so glad, how are you? I'm Maykel Oropeza, associate of Herbalife, helped people improve their nutrition, their way of living life more healthily and with a great capacity to change their own life, to want to lose weight, tone your body, solve digestive problems, increase muscle mass and improve sports performance ⚽. If you are interested, do not hesitate to write me. regards
I am so sorry I didn’t get that
It is pronounced as the English 'd'. I hope I helped! :)