Image result for Who was Henry clay and what was his compromise?
Clay was called 'the Great Compromiser' because he played a major role in formulating the three landmark sectional compromises of his day: the Missouri Compromise of 1820, the Tariff Compromise of 1833, and the Compromise of 1850.
A. He was offended because he was rejected by Garfield.
the forces were balanced since it did not move at all
Attitude towards the Negroes.
After the independence in America, slavery was considered illegal in the North as they were influenced by the ideas of John Locke that considered all men to be equal and free. The emancipation society in the North wanted to get over the system of slavery. The white Southerners succeeded in strengthening the institution.
Before the Civil War, the North continued to show their disinterest in the practice of slavery while the South continued to support it as it was part of their economy. Several compromises and laws were implemented to keep intact the slavery practices to expand in new territories.
After the Civil War, The South despite being losing the war tried to restrict the movement of African American as they were now freed. The KKK establish to terrorise the blacks. Segregation laws were implemented like Jim Crow Law.