During the late 1800s, millions of people emigrated to the United States, especially from Europe, but also a few from Asia and Latin America. American born population also grew by high rates due to high fertility rates, and falling mortality rates.
This brought massive population growth to American cities, and to keep with this demand, large tenements were built.
In these tenements, dozens of families shared the same building, often in small apartments of low quality and low sanitation. Sometimes epidemics ran through, and social conflicts were also common.
During the middle ages, the church was a unifying force. it shaped people's beliefs and guided their conduct. most europeans at this time shared a common bond of faith, during the middle ages, two powerful leaders were Charlemagne and Otto the great- tried to revive the idea of empire.
plz mark as brainliest
A. c. d.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The law of ordinance of 1785 was adopted by the U.S in order to put the 1784 resolution in motion by providing a good mechanism for selling and settling the land.
The Declaration of Independence was organized into five distinct segments with each segment addressing a particular issue.