Consider why:
1. Remember, human rights are rights or entitlements every human should/ought to have, so whether they are won by large groups or by individuals they are still rights.
2. Also remember, a large group of people are in themselves individuals who came together forming a group, so in a sense victories won by the group was won by each individual affected by the victory.
Radiometric dating should be what they use
C.) influence how land is used
Among the physiographic and archaeological variables used for the elaboration of the settlement pattern are the altitude, the phytogeography, the area covered by the sites, the types of sites, their distance from the water, the type of water sources, the number of low floor structures per site, the diameter and depth dimensions of the low floor structures, the chronology obtained from radiocarbon and thermoluminescence analysis, the insertion into the terrain model, the solar orientation, the prevailing winds and the field of eyesight. The compilation of these archaeological distribution and implantation data and the observation of their characteristics aim to create a settlement pattern of the populations of origin of a given area.