It's an autonomous country within the Kingdom of Denmark.
Human rights are basic rights that belong to all of us simply because we are human. They embody key values in our society such as fairness, dignity, equality and respect. ... Most importantly, these rights give us power and enable us to speak up and to challenge poor treatment from a public authority
Committees manage a bill’s passage and make any needed changes.
Let's complete the missing information:
1. <u>GDP of Potterland in billions of US$:</u> 311/22 (GDP in billions of domestic currency/Exchange rate for domestic currency to US$) = <u>14.14 billions of US$</u>
2. <u>GDP of Grangerland in billions of US$</u>: 41/11 (GDP in billions of domestic currency/Exchange rate for domestic currency to US$) = <u>3.73 billions of US$ </u>
3. <u>Exchange rate for Weasley Island domestic currency to US$</u>: 799/209 (GDP in billions of domestic currency/GDP in billions of US$) =<u> 3.82 Icesticks to US$</u>
Now, let's answer the questions:
1. <em><u>What is the GDP of Grangerland in billions of Lightrocks?</u></em> We take GDP of this country in billions of US$ and multiply by Exchange rate of Potterland Lightrocks to US$ to get this result. (3.73 x 22) = <u>82.06 billions of Lightrocks</u>
2. <em><u>What is the exchange rate for Icesticks to U.S. dollars?</u></em> We already have this result, we calculated it on missing information 3 = <u>3.82 Icesticks to US$</u>