There are 46656 possible combinations.
GIGO is a computer science acronym that implies bad input will result in bad output. Good programming practice dictates that functions should check for valid input before processing it. ... A well-written program will avoid producing garbage by not accepting it in the first place.
Newer, or current versions of Windows from XP to 10 use the NTFS file system. The file system supports up to 255 characters in a file name. The total path length supports up to 30,000 characters.
<em>The programming language is not stated; however, I'll answer using Python programming language (</em><em>Se</em><em>e attachment</em><em> </em><em>for</em><em> </em><em>proper </em><em>for</em><em>mat</em><em>)</em>
tuition = 10000
rate = 0.04
for i in range(1,15):
tuition = tuition + tuition * rate
if i <= 10:
print("Year "+str(i)+" tuition:",end=" ")
if i == 14:
print("Tuition 4th year after:",end=" ")
<em>The first 2 lines initializes tuition and rate to 10000 and 0.04 respectively</em>
tuition = 10000
rate = 0.04
<em>The next line iterates from year 1 to year 14</em>
for i in range(1,15):
<em>This line calculates the tuition for each year</em>
tuition = tuition + tuition * rate
<em>The next 3 lines prints the tuition for year 1 to year 10</em>
if i <= 10:
print("Year "+str(i)+" tuition:",end=" ")
<em>The next 3 lines prints the tuition at the 4th year after year 10 (i.e. year 14)</em>
if i == 14:
print("Tuition 4th year after:",end=" ")
Waveform Audio (.wav) is a common file format. Created by Microsoft and IBM, WAV was one of the first audio file types developed for the PC. WAV files are defined as lossless, meaning that files are large and complete; nothing has been lost.
your answer will be
<em><u>C; image</u></em></h2>