coupons = int(input("Enter the number of coupons you win: "))
candy_bars = int(coupons / 10)
gumballs = coupons % 10
print("Candy bars: " + str(candy_bars) + ", Gumballs: " + str(gumballs))
*The code is in Python.
Ask the user to enter the number of coupons
Calculate the number of candy bars, divide the coupons by 10 and typecst the result to int
Calculate the number of gumballs, use the modulo to find the remainder
Print the values
An overhead projector is required to display content on transparencies. A transparency is a thin sheet of plastic in which light is reflected upon to display content.The light source emits light towards the transparency and then the image is displayed on the wall. Usually, this light source comes from below and lights upward and so the content is depicted above or overhead.
Most common PC operating systems
try typing that into gooy gle im sorry if i didnt help
if tickets >400 What is the missing term in the code that handles that error??wat over400error
The trigger code is given below
create trigger F1_Del
after delete on Friend
for each row
when exists (select * from Friend
where ID1 = Old.ID2 and ID2 = Old.ID1)
delete from Friend
where (ID1 = Old.ID2 and ID2 = Old.ID1);
create trigger F1_Insert
after insert on Friend
for each row
when not exists (select * from Friend
where ID1 = New.ID2 and ID2 = New.ID1)
insert into Friend values (New.ID2, New.ID1);