The NYC Empire State Building is a 103-story building located in NYC, which is short for New York City. It was, for a long time, the tallest building in the world.
The address, if that's what you need, is 350 5th Ave, New York, NY 10118, United States of America. The coordinates are 40.748107, -73.985372. The nearest subway station is 34th St & Herald Square, which you can reach via lines B,D,F,M,N,Q, and R, some of which are orange and some yellow, not sure if that makes a difference since I'm not familiar with the NYC subway system, but if you need directions it should help to know that.
A. False. It is also made up of Gutenberg discontinuity,Mohorovicic Discontinuity,Hydrosphere & many othersPS: The crust is also called Lithosphere.
B. True. Metamorphic rocks are created by the physical or chemical alteration by heat and pressure of an existing igneous or sedimentary material into a denser form
C. True.
D. True. Formed by crystallizing melted material (magma)
E. True.
Sorry for the long explanations. Hope it helps!! :)
Entrepreneurs refer to the people who start a business or company