An innovation of the home sewing machine was allowing everyone to become a tailor and do mending of garments in their home.
Say “yes'and!”
Add new information.
Don't block.
Avoid asking questions- unless you're also adding information.
Play in the present and use the moment.
Establish the location.
Be specific and provide colorful details.
Change, Change, Change!
5 Basic Improv Rules
1) Don't Deny. Denial is the number one reason most scenes go bad. ...
2) Don't ask open ended Questions. ...
3) You don't have to be funny. ...
4) You can look good if you make your partner look good. ...
5) Tell a story.
By running away, the princes make themselves look guilty. It almost looks like they killed their own father to get the thrown and they thought they would be caught so they ran away in secret. What’s even worse was the fact that they went to two separate country’s (split up) which seems even more guilty to the simple mans mind