1. The speaker is in a contemplative mood.
2. The word 'turn' in this context means being born into the fold of animals instead of humans. It is a sort of reincarnation.
3. The speaker wishes to live with animals because they are calm, not easily upset, and contented.
4. Alliteration was employed in the words- long and long.
1. The poet Walt Whitman was likely contemplating or thinking to himself of all the attributes of animals which made them pleasing to him.
2. As a human, if he was to turn and live with animals, that would mean no longer being born as a human but rather being born into the fold of animals.
3. The speaker wishes to live with the animals because they are 'placid and self contain'd' which means that they are calm and not easily upset. They are also contented and do not drag each other for worldly possessions.
4. Alliteration is the repetition of the first letters or sounds of a string of words in a phrase. The letter repeated by the speaker is 'l'.
yes it is historically accurate
He wanted to convey that indifference is worse than hate or anger. One could be angry at injustice or hate evil, violent acts Indifference is the absence of compassion and implies something worse than outright hate; indifference implies a lack of acknowledgment. Being indifferent to another's suffering is like saying, 'you're suffering is not even worth my consideration.' Wiesel speaks from his experience of the Holocaust, but this could be applied to any situation in history in which the world was indifferent; in which the world willfully refused to acknowledge suffering of others for any number of unjustifiable reasons: 1) out of sight, out of mind, 2) passivity, laziness, 3) an untried feeling of hopelessness ('what could i possibly do?'), 4) selfishness. When Wiesel speaks of indifference he also means ignorance in 3 senses: 1) ignorant as in lacking sensitivity, 2) lacking knowledge and 3) ignoring. The 'perils of indifference' could be described as the 'the terrible outcomes of ignoring atrocities. Apply this to anything today, where suffering is ignored by indifferent people and governments. (i.e., Darfur, Haiti). The peril of indifference would be to allow (allow by ignoring = indifference) an atrocity like the Holocaust to occur again.
The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "A. plot and C. stage directions." The major concerns of writing a play consists of the plot and stage directions. They have to be taken seriously because this is what the audience directly see and observe.
Answer:The mass media are today seen as playing a key role in enhancing globalization, and facilitating cultural exchange and multiple flows of information and images between countries through international news broadcasts, television programming, new technologies, film, and music.
please mark as brainliest for me.Thank you so much