The cotton gin was the most notably
important machine at the time!
Israel was created as a home for Jewish people
Answer: Launched by Mao Zedong, Chairman of the Communist Party of China (CPC), its stated goal was to preserve Chinese communism by purging remnants of capitalist and traditional elements from Chinese society, and to re-impose Mao Zedong Thought (known outside China as Maoism) as the dominant ideology in the CPC.
-The Tet Offensive
The Tet offensive is the event that marked the turning point in the Vietnam conflict, forcing Lyndon Johnson to change course and pull out of the upcoming presidential race.
-The Tet offensive was a major invasion of South Vietnamese urban centers, that was launched by the North Vietnam in 1968.
-The Tet Offensive played an important role in weakening U.S. public support for the war in Vietnam. The goal of the offensive was to severely damage the United States and South Vietnamese forces as well as encourage an uprising against the government of South Vietnam.
Many of pullman strike workers joined the American railway, which supported their strike by launching a boycoty in which ARU members refused to run trains containing pullman cars