e-commerce turn the service industry to be the most dominant In united states economy.
Before e-commerce was popular, the manufacturing companies contributed the largest amount of money to US economy. So the economy is basically controlled by a lot of relatively small manufacturing companies.
E-commerce was becoming popular after American consumer's desire convenience on top of the quality of the product. E-commerce allow the consumers to do their daily consumption with significantly lower effort.
For examples, You don't have to spend time to drive your car to the store to purchase things, can exclusively compared the products without moving from store to store, etc. Companies who offered this convince basically can be considered as a service company rather than manufacturing company.
Companies such as amazon that provided convenience for online shopping, Facebbook / twitter that can be used to seek product review, or postdates that can be used as a delivery service are operating under the service industry.
Powers not directly stated in the Constitution that have been interpreted as belonging to the national government are described as implied powers. An example of an implied power is when the national government creates an Air Force division of the military.
<h3>Jack would most likely agree to what his professor asked him to do.</h3>
- Jack would most likely agree to what his professor asked him to do because the professor has indicated him to do so. As we know professors are the governing figures inside the classroom, students think that they must obey them.
- Here, Jack would likely pinch Jill to wake her up as requested by the professor because Jack knows that pinching her does not necessarily mean embarrassing Jill or inflicting her great harm.
Phratry is an unilineal descent kinship group composed of at least two clans that supposedly share a common ancestry
More about phratry:
The Greek word for "phratry" means "his brother." Around the second century BC, at the beginning of the human era, there was a divide of Greek tribes known as the Phratry. Their relationship was one of brotherhood and shared kinship. People from the same caste, for instance, could fall into this group under the current circumstances.
Phratry supremacy was observed during the Dark Ages, but it declined in importance during the Classical era. Due to this age, other influential groups, such as political parties and churches, are forming. Political party supremacy is still evident everywhere today.
Learn more about kinship here:
The main idea was to establish the rule of law in the first settlement and set the pricliples for a self governed body through the faith in God, loyalty to England, mutual regard and equal laws.