The word decision is an <u>abstract noun.</u>
It is abstract because it cannot be touched or felt - it just exists, the same way love or hatred (which are also abstract nouns) exist.
Collective nouns are nouns such as council, jury - where one word is used to denote many parts which are included in it. Proper nouns are names. Compound nouns are made up of two or more words, such as brother-in-law, etc.
Nowadays, given the changes in family and social structures that have overthrown the traditional family system (that is, the typical family whose spouses were married until the end have been moved to a society in which there are divorces, assembled families, single-parent families, etc.) have suppressed the figures of discipline and family hierarchy that, until that moment, were represented in the figures of the father and mother of the family, which were ultimately images similar to those of the State power structures (that is, it was educated from the teaching of respect for the hierarchy).
Today, with this disruption, many of these hierarchical representations have been lost, which has generated that many young people have begun to take attitudes of rebellion and indiscipline, motivated by the lack of a strong hierarchical and disciplinary role in their family environment.
Answer and Explanation:
The quote shown above reflects on how people position themselves in the way their peers behave in relation to it. In a simpler form, the quote indicates that if a person feels devalued by his peers, he will tend to isolate himself and distance himself from them, as a way of self-protection and conservation of his well-being.
In the novel "My sister's keeper" we can relate this concept to both Kate and Anna Fitzgerald. That's because, Kate feels that her life is tiring for her family, especially for her sister; in that case, as a form of protection, she wishes to die. Anna, on the other hand, feels that her family uses her for interests that are not hers and therefore, as a form of protection, she wants to separate from the family.