Err. I'm getting vibes from C.
Janelle is organizing an outline for an investigative report about the benefits of taking a 30-minute walk each day.
Benefits - Good/Helpful
Trap is a software interrupt that occurs when there is a system call, while hardware interrupt occurs when a hardware component needs urgent attention.
Interrupt is an input signal that disrupt the activities of a computer system, giving immediate attention to a hardware or software request.
In trap interrupt, the system activities are stop for a routine kernel mode operation, since it has a higher priority than the user mode. At the end of the interrupt, it switches control to the user mode.
The hardware interrupt is a signal from hardware devices like the input/output devices, storage and even peripheral devices that draws an immediate attention of the processor, stopping and saving other activities and executing the event with an interrupt handler.
yes go to settings then apps
that's how I did mines
Answer :Computers never get tired or bored because of doing the same task continuously. They work in the same manner all the time. A computer can store large amount of information in its memory.
Explanation: it is quality which makes the user to be dependent on computer. As we all know, computer systems do repetitive tasks without any boredom, tiredness, or fatigue.