Hitler left the stadium before the medals were awarded. The 100 meter race was the first of Owens' four medals. It shocked Hitler: his Aryan supremacy myth was in tatters. The only thing worse that could have happened was a Jew winning that first race. He likely didn't want to shake Owens' hand.
Actually Owens was not scheduled to race in the 400 meter relay. It came about only because the American Olympic Committee didn't want to cause an international uproar by allowing 2 Jews to run in the 400. So they replaced both with Owens and Metcalf (who took home a slug of metals himself).
I'm not sure if it is still on Netflix, but a docudrama of the event was made called RACE.
The Spanish were among the first Europeans to explore the New World and the first to settle in what is now the United States. By 1650, however, England had established a dominant presence on the Atlantic coast. The first colony was founded at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607.
the USS monitor was the first ironclad warships commission by the united states navy.
The southern part of China and its northern part are total contrasts when it comes to the climate. The southern part is coming out on sea, and it is on lower latitude. Because of this, this part of China is covered with tropical vegetation, having a wet and dry seasons. The temperatures are mostly over 30 C degrees, the precipitation is very high when the monsoons are wet, and almost totally absent when the monsoons are dry. The northern part, on the other side, is far away from the sea, and it is also on higher elevation. This part is also on higher latitude. The landscape is dominated by desert and semi-desert. The precipitation is very low because this part is not reached by the moisture from the sea, and it is heavily influenced by the continental air masses. This results in very high temperatures in the summer, exceeding 35 C degrees, and very low temperatures in winter, going below -40 C degrees.
B is correct answer.
Stronger state governments is type of government did Anti-Federalists favor.
Hope it helped you.