Driven Out
Chinese immigrants were often treated violently, and the government even supported this behavior. Anti-Chinese riots and attacks on Chinese areas were very common, and in addition, Chinese were often violently driven from their countries where they had been working.
It start in Salem, Massachusetts
the guy with the blue blanket thing around him and crouching?
A) they had alliances with eroupeian to send out expesetions
The correct answer is A. The Great Schism or the East-West Schism represented the final separation between the Eastern Christian churches (whose leader was Michael Cerularius, the <u><em>patriarch of Constantinople</em></u>) and the Western one whose leader was Leo IX. There were excommunications that ended in 1965, when Pope <em>Paul VI</em> and <em>Athenagoras I</em> revoked the excommunications decrees.