There is a very close relationship between plot and characterization or character development. As the plot moves forward, the plot reveals the characters' qualities. Likewise, it is also the characters' actions, beliefs, attitudes, and motivations, all of which make up characterization, that help to move the plot forward.One of Oedipus's qualities is his excessive prideand it is that quality which drives the plot forward the most. His excessive pride is...
The first one A.) East Indies
A festival honouring the god Dionysus was held in Athens, out of which three dramatic genres emerged: tragedy, comedy and the satyr play.
Urban commuting evolved to mass and rapid transit in the late 1800s.
The Industrial Revolution led to commuting. Before that most people lived and worked in the countryside. Travel was rarely needed and it was expensive. However, throughout centuries the concept of commuting has existed and improved till today.
By the late 1800s, people needed a form of mass transit to make commuting efficient. In 1867, elevated railroads were created above urban neighborhoods, laying the groundwork for the first form of rapid transit. After that in 1888 the world's first electric streetcar was used in commuting. Each streetcar was powered by multiple-unit control, allowing for greater speed and acceleration.
The majority of Populist Party members were "farmers," since the Populist Party made an effort to defend the rights of the "common man", as opposed to the rich.