a) The existence of the supercontinent Pangea led to a high degree of geographic uniqueness (endemism) among species during the Late Triassic. ==>FALSE
b) The Jurassic Period marks the time when dinosaurs began to dominate among terrestrial vertebrates. ==> TRUE
c) The scarcity of sediments from the Middle Jurassic may explain the apparent decrease in dinosaur diversity during this time. ==> TRUE
d) Mammals and dinosaurs co-existed throughout the Jurassic and Cretaceous Periods. ==>TRUE
e) The greatest leap in dinosaur diversity occurred during the Jurassic Period. ==> FALSE
f) There is a correlation between the rise of angiosperms and the diversity of herbivorous dinosaurs during the Cretaceous Period. ==> TRUE
g) There is a significant body of evidence suggesting that dinosaur evolution was responsible for the simultaneous evolution of angiosperms.==>FALSE