By devaluing the Bolivar, the president of Venezuela has artificially decreased the value of the national currency.
What this does it make it more expensive to buy US dollars. In the last 2-3 years, there has been a flight of billion of US dollars out of Venezuela due to the economic disaster looming in the country.
By making it more expensive to buy US Dollars, the President of Venezuela is hoping to decrease the flight of money from the country and protect local reserves.
To what extent this actually works, we will have to see. In many developed countries or countries with a healthy economy, such a strategy might work. However, in the case of Venezuela, the economy is so bad, that even the devaluation of the Bolivar might not help solve much.
When World War I broke out in 1914, all Dominions of the British Empire, including Canada, were called upon by Great Britain to fight on her behalf. So, they kinda had to.
And start.ariot is right. Canada basicly had no choice. It was different in WWII, in which Canadian Parliament debated whether or not to go to war. Canada did, but the fact that she could make a choice was a major step in the growth of Canadian autonomy.
British Anti-slavery. In the space of just 46 years, the British government outlawed the slave trade that Britain had created and went on to abolish the practice of slavery throughout the colonies. John Oldfield shows how this national campaign became one of the most successful reform movements of the 19th century.Feb 17, 2011
Hitler took great trouble to make sure that young people were loyal to him and the Nazi Party. He realized that in the future he may have to call on these people to put up with hardships, to fight and perhaps die for him. Therefore, it was important for young people to think that Hitler and the Nazis were the best thing that had ever happened to Germany.
Youngsters were indoctrinated (brainwashed) to think like the Nazis. Textbooks were rewritten to get across the Nazi message. Children were also taught to recognize Jews at a glance.