What attributes of Rome's citizen-soldiers made them so important to the republic's growth? They supplied their own weapons and fought without pay. Conquered peoples had to acknowledge Roman leadership, pay taxes, and supply them. ... If two people takeover both, it could become more organized.
George Mason was one of the leading figures in creating the Bill of Rights. After storming out of the Constitutional Convention because the Constitution didn't contain a declaration of humanrights, he worked to pass amendments that would protect citizens from an intrusive government
<u>82</u> years passed between the Monroe doctrine and its exten-sion the Roosevelt coro-llary.
In his annual mess-ages to Congress in 1904 and 1905, Presi-dent Theodore Roosevelt expan-ded the Monroe Doctrine. The corollary sta-ted that not only were the nati-ons of the Western Hemisphere not open to coloni-zation by European powers, but that the Uni-ted States had the respons-ibility to preserve order and pro-tect life and pro-perty in those countries.
In the history of United States foreign poli-cy, the Roosevelt Corollary was an add-ition to the Monroe Doctrine articul-ated by President Theodore Roosevelt in his State of the Uni-on address in 1904 after the Vene-zuelan crisis of 1902–1903.
To know more about Monroe Doctrine click below
The two main sources are Maps and Artifacts
It means you are always moving forward so why should you look back your not going there.