Un geógrafo es un científico e investigador cuyo campo de estudio es la Geografía, el estudio de la superficie terrestre, tanto en su composición física como en las actividades e interrelaciones humanas que ocurren en ella. Estudian la superficie de la Tierra (geosfera) de acuerdo con sus estructuras espaciales, los procesos que tienen lugar y sus funciones (interacciones entre los geofactores). Trabajan entre las ciencias naturales, las ciencias sociales y las humanidades y se engloban en el grupo de profesiones que manejan información espacial.
Los geógrafos son generalistas debido a la amplitud de su campo de estudio y ser la Geografía una ciencia transversal, lo que le facilita integrarse con otros profesionales en equipos pluridisciplinares. Su forma de trabajar es a la vez analítica y normativa: los geógrafos empleados como planificadores se guían por la comprensión moderna de la planificación y brindan soluciones para los problemas entre los humanos y el medio ambiente.
a. A gibbous moon
Gibbous refers to the shape which is less than the full circle of a Full Moon, but larger than the semicircle shape of the Moon at Third Quarter.
Its when unnatural things, turn natural things irregularly hot or cold.
The western and central European section of the plain covers all of western and northern France, Belgium, The Netherlands, southern Scandinavia, northern Germany, and nearly all of Poland; from northern France and Belgium eastward it commonly is called the North European Plain.
The North European Plain is a European region that covers Denmark, Poland, Germany, Belgium, Holland, and small parts of northern France and the Czech Republic. Some research accounts also include the southern United Kingdom, east Russia, Baltic States like Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Belarus as part of this expansive plain. The North European plain also has lowly elevated plains tucked between the Central European Highlands on the south and on the coastlines of the Baltic Sea and North Sea to the north. The Baltic and the North Sea are divided by the North Jutland Peninsula which is also the nation of Denmark. The Great European Plain is formed where the North European Plain connects to the East European Plain. The Northern European Plain also occupies the territory under the Baltic Sea. Due to the plain's unique surface features, its geological structures are keenly studied by researchers.
As part of the Great European Plain, the North European Plain lies below 500 feet in altitude, and has a relatively flat terrain. As a result, drainage is poor and frosty deposits cover much of the region and plain. The North European Plain also has several rivers like the Rhine, Oder, Weser, Elbe and Vistula. Along the Rhine River in the Netherlands, there is a well developed transport system, and a vibrant agricultural area making the area around it be densely populated. The plain is amongst the most fertile lands that are utilized for commercial farming in the world. There are also tiny farms strewn in the countryside of the North European Plains. The temperate climate and the average amount of rainfall in the North European Plain allows for growth of seasonal crops like maize, wheat, and rye. This makes the plain in the North European wheat belt region. Due to the plain’s fertility and flat terrain, it is among the most densely populated territories in Europe. The rivers that crisscross the North European Plain also draw in a large human population due to guaranteed water supply.