1) Hunting: People can over-hunt a species killing too many of them too fast.
2) Global warming: A place can get to hot for them to survive their anymore like coral reefs for example.
3) Destruction of habitats: This can leave animals defenseless and open to attack.
1. made from a dissolved mineral called calcite limestone
Limestone is a sedimentary rock derived from precipitation of the mineral calcite from a solution.
2. made of large grains of sand sandstone
Sandstone is a sedimentary rock derived from aggregates of sand grains.
3. made of very tiny grains of clay shale
Shale is a sedimentary rock made from very fine grain of clay minerals.
4. formed from sandstone quartzite
Quartzite is a metamorphic rock derived from a protolith of sandstone. When sandstone is subjected to pressure and temperature beyond that of metamorphism.
5. fine-grained rock with few or no crystals basalt
Basalt is an igneous rock dark in color and fine grained.
True is the correct answer