Joseph Gurney Cannon known as the "Uncle Joe" Cannon who was one of the most powerful speaker of the house in the United State history. He is the second longest continuously serving speaker of the house from Republican party. he had immense control over the house of representatives of United States.Using his power, he could block the file from passing which he didn't like. He was also against of any kind of reform. He wanted America as it was.
With immense power and law, he could control the which file would go on the floor, would be presented for vote as the speaker. He suppressed the law from voting which he didn't support.
On March 17, 1910 after failing two times to curb Cannon's power over the house the Nebraska representative Norris along with 46 progressive republican and entire 149 democrats to revolt against Cannon.On that day some of the most powerful allies of Cannon were absent.
However, Cannon survived but his absolute power over the house decreased.
So the main reason of revolt against Cannon was his absolute use of power, non progressive thinking.
8 de noviembre de 1519.
El 8 de noviembre de 1519, a pesar de que Montezuma tenía un gran ejército, el conquistador español Hernán Cortés logró ingresar a Tenochtitlán. Los españoles entraron por el lago Chalco, mientras sus aliados permanecieron en Amecameca.
A su llegada a Tenochtitlán, los españoles y Cortés fueron recibidos con todos los honores y alojados en un edificio muy céntrico, exactamente donde se encuentra hoy el Monte di Pietà de la Ciudad de México; la actual residencia de Montezuma en cambio estaba ubicada al otro lado de la actual Plaza Zócalo, donde hoy se encuentra el Palacio Nacional.Los españoles quedaron muy impresionados por la magnificencia de Tenochtitlán y Bernal Díaz del Castillo informó en sus crónicas que la ciudad sobrepasaba a muchas de las ciudades europeas en belleza y grandiosidad, incluso calificándola de "sueño".
In order to increase his power in England, William I C. He ordered a survey that enabled him to tax and govern his country effectively.
I hope this helped you out!!
Because he took credit for other people’s work just like the rest of us