Buddhists value comparison for all beings and causing no harm to anyone. Sometimes we can cause harm to others out of carelessness or because we are confused about what will make us happy, so the Buddha created a list of 10 precepts to help us remember what sort of things are likely to obstruct us on the path of enlightenment. And what sort of things are likely to help us. They are : don't Kill don't steal don't engage in illicit sex divisively don't speak abusively. Don't tell lies don't engage and Idie chatter abandon I'll will abandon greed cultivate right views
make a plan and stick to it
i said this earlier in the comments ;)
On January 8, 1912 the African national congress was founded byFounders: John Langalibalele Dube, Pixley ka Isaka seme, Sol Plaatje.
It would be the last one!!!!!
people found ways to lessen their dependence on hunting and gathering. Instead of gathering wild plants, people discovered that they could plant seeds and harvest crops. Over time, farmers learned which seeds produced the most crops in the areas where they lived.