Is being in a "habitable zone" enough to say the planet is habitable for human life? What characteristics would an Earth-like pl
anet need to have to support life? What challenges would we face traveling to and colonizing Kepler-186f, or other Earth-like planets outside of our solar system? Do you think scientists should spend time looking for Earth-like planets before we have the technology to visit them? Why or why not? No Response(s) Be the first to respond to the Discussion topic!
I belive the answer to the first one is no I would have to assume a habitual zone is one area on a planet. for example, an air conditioned building vs. the Savvanah dessert. However I am not sure maybe other answers will help more on this one. Sorry.... Earth-like planet would of course need water, plant life, animals, oxygen, fossil fuels etc. A challenge we would face on a travel to another liveable planet: do we have engough transportation? engough fuel to make it? How long can we live on this planet? Who or what else is present here? etc. Yes I do think they should discover a planet with earth like qualities befor investing in tools to get us to them. So money is not wasted. (make sure to put this into your own words )
The duration of short term memory seems to be between 15 and 30 seconds. Items can be kept in short term memory by repeating them verbally (acoustic encoding), a process known as rehearsal.
Answer:Talking to your child helps expand vocabulary, develop background knowledge, and inspire a curiosity about the world – all of which help with learning to read.