An amendment is made when it is ratifies by the State then
it is submitted to the state legislature and then it is sent to the National
Records and Archives Administration’s Office of the Federal Registrar. It will handle
the processing and delivery of documents back to the States.
Around eighth grade, which would make the children around 14 y/o
Most of them leave for jobs at the age of 14. Up until then, school is compulsory(required by law).
technological development,l difference.
On January 1, 1993, Czechoslovakia split into two independent states, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, in what is now known as the “Velvet divorce” due to its peaceful and negotiated nature. Both countries divided their common “goods” (embassies, military equipment, etc.)
The Czechs and Slovaks were not at the same level of economic and technological development, but the freedom and opportunity found in an independent Czechoslovakia enabled them to make strides toward overcoming these inequalities.
the shrinking of the Aral Sea.