In 1817, newly elected president James Monroe selected Adams as his Secretary of State. In that role, Adams negotiated the Adams–Onís Treaty, which provided for the American acquisition of Florida. He also helped formulate the Monroe Doctrine, which became a key tenet of U.S. foreign policy
Thank me later!
• water scarcity
You included no reference picture or passage for the question however the above should be the correct answer.
The question mentions characteristics that cause or lead to environmental problems.
Fertile soils and abundant rainfall are good for the environment as more crops can be planted and biodiversity will bloom.
Water scarcity however, can lead to some organisms dying, migrating and less crops being planted.
Water scarcity in general, is not a factor that is considered favorable when it comes to the characteristics of an environment.
If you eat pine nuts, berries, and salmon as part of your diet, you likely live in the "Pacific Northwest," since this is where all of these items can be found (generally speaking).
Used to say that it is good and acceptable to not obey a rule. It also applies to symbolism.
They fought for independence and freedom