Try restating system software and delete anything that may have caused the online fraud then remove all credit cards and info on the device. Tell the authorities and get a new device and email with a software protector. When doing this DO NOT DO WHAT YOU ORIGINALLY DID TO GET VICTIMIZED AND (DON'T TRY TO SIGN INTO YOUR PREVIOUS EMAIL ON A NEW DEVICE)
C. Use the SOAP API to maintain the related SObject_share records
In order to ensure that Universal Containers have complete control over the system, the company needs to use certain requirements. This is to ensure that non-authorized persons do not have any access to the information. Based on the information provided in the question, the correct option is option C.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class ss11{
public static void main (String[]args) {
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner (
String a1, a2, a3, a4, a5;
int i1, i2, i3, i4, i5;
System.out.println("Enter a four bit binary number:");
a2= a1.substring(0,1);
a3= a1.substring(1,2);
a4= a1.substring(2,3);
a5= a1.substring(3,4);
i1 = Integer.parseInt(a2);
i2 = Integer.parseInt(a3);
i3 = Integer.parseInt(a4);
i4 = Integer.parseInt(a5);
i1= i1 * 8;
i2= i1 * 4;
i3= i1 * 2;
i4= i1 * 1;
i5= i1+i2+i3+i4;
System.out.println("The converted decimal number is: +i5);
ADD Products_price float(5,2) DEFAULT 9.99,
ADD Adding_time datetime;
So at first we need to use ALTER TABLE statement, when we use this statement we also need to provide the table name. In this case, i assume it is 'Products'.
Then, as per question, we need to add two columns.
The first one is 'product_price' and it contains decimal points. So, we need to use ADD statement and give a column name like 'Prodcuts_price' and its datatype 'float' because it contains decimal or floating points. so, for 3 digits on the left and 2 digits on the right, it makes a total of 5 digits. So, we need to declare it like this. (5,2) it means a total of 5 digits and 2 after the decimal point. after that, we need to set our Default value using the DEFALUT statement. so DEFAULT 9.99. it will set the default value to 9.99 for existing products.
And for our next column, we give its a name like 'Adding_time' then it's datatype 'datetime' because it will contain date and times.
Zoom in more please and than i can help