false because most of the file managers just keep Everything organized by dates, years, and everything like that
Most of the organization suffers from InfoObesity, i.e., too much data without the proper holding structure for this.
Business intelligence abbreviated as BI plays a major role in the determining the planning strategies of an organizations and serves multiple purposes which includes measurement of performance towards business objectives, quantitative analysis, data reporting and sharing, etc.
BI systems helps in eliminating InfoObesity, by manging the data and filtration of the data with proper data structure to serve specific purposes.
1. To not put your real name in a username
2. Don't give people your personal information
3. Tell your parents if someone messages you something and you don't know them
4. make your social media accounts private
5. Ask for a adult for help if you see something that confuses you
- Agree on aims concerning the application.
- Read your end users.
- Take your IT partners toward the conversations in the beginning.
- Program for various announcements.
- Choose the technology which you know and will be able to continue.
You should always keep the above five points while developing an app. You should keep your goals in mind that what kind of app you are going to develop and you are taking surveys from end users that what they want after some time in different cycles. Your team should discuss your project time by time about the progress of an app. Your project should be a long term and should almost cover all kind of users.
#Using python to create the list
#first we create an empty list to store our numbers.
import math
data = []
x = 0
InputSum = 0
NumInput=int(input("how many number do you want to add"))
while x <=(NumInput):
Input=int(input("Enter the numbers here"))
x = x+1
InputSum = InputSum + Input #this is to add the numbers entered
print("The number you entered are ")
print(*data) #this print the numbers entered
print("The sum of the numbers is", InputSum)