Explanation: What's happening as often as needed? Lending
The answer is are because its a verb that is stating something.
Autobiography, Frank Capra
mid 1900s around a country field.
there are not any really big events it kinda just tells you about him
does not tell author
Soon after graduating from college, Capra was commissioned in the United States Army as a second lieutenant, having completed campus ROTC. In the Army, he taught mathematics to artillerymen at Fort Point, San Francisco. His father died during the war in an accident (1916).
Answer: Focus
In the above sentence, the word ''attention'' is used to communicate focus because it showed a change in interest which is the definition of focus.
The subject in question had been working longer hours but when he stopped, he was able to turn his focus and change his interest towards “Philosophical Studies and Amusements.”
the art is something that is very important in our lives, it's impossible live without it, we always go to the cinema or listen some music, so the artists think it's important the governments help them because today the art is not valued, most of the people think people who do art wont have a good future and try to stop them from doing that, so it's important the governments give some support for them, because a lot of time their parents don't give support for them and they have to go out home, with no money, just because they want to do what they love in the future. But a lot of people think this would be a waste of money, but just because they don't give value to the art and they think is a west of time, but it's not ! art is so important and we need to give value to the artists, because they will do beautiful and historic things in the future.