the faithful should give money to the church
because every 10% of your salary should always be contributed to the church first before any other thing
that's your first priority
Um, I don't know so sorry. ill let you know if Ido.
The Second Punic War was waged between Rome and Carthage between 218-201 BC and the First Punic War happened between 264 and 241 BC.
While the First Punic war was fought under the control of Sicily, the Second Punic War included confrontations between a bigger number of territories (Spain, Sicily, Sardinia, Italy and North Africa).
The First Punic War did not break the strength and influence of Carthage completely, however it dramatically empowered Rome. After The Second Punic War Rome became the hegemon of the Western Mediterranean, and Carthage lost its powerful position.
Generally speaking, popular sovereignty means that the people of a state or country are ultimately in control over their government--usually by electing representatives to craft legislation on their behalf.