customers = int(input("How many customers? "))
for i in range(customers):
name = input("Name of Customer " + str(i+1) + " ")
print("Oranges are $1.40 each.")
oranges = int(input("How many Oranges? "))
print("Apples are $.75 each.")
apples = int(input("How many Apples? "))
bill = oranges * 1.4 + apples * 0.75
print(name + ", you bought " + str(oranges) + " Orange(s) and " + str(apples) + " Apple(s). Your bill is $%.1f" % bill)
*The code is in Python.
Ask the user to enter the number of customers
Create a for loop that iterates for each customer. Inside the loop, ask the user to enter the name, number of oranges, number of apples. Calculate the bill. Print the name, number of oranges, number of apples bought and total bill
ok imma little scared, but my fav candy would have to be reeses peanut butter cups or hershey's with almonds.
Answer: see guidelines in explanation
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Choice C. Choice C includes uppercase and lowercase leters, has a number, and two characters.