Natural selection is a mechanism of evolution. Organisms that are more adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and pass on the genes that aided their success. This process causes species to change and diverge over time.
Electrical resistance is the opposition to current flow. See also a discussion of AC and DC, as well as an introductory video.
In order to be a changemaker you have to propose yourself to do it and accomplish it. It's a goal you set yourself and a mindset you must impose to yourself to accomplish. The way to challenge yourself is to start by doing little things. For example: "You want to run 3 miles", so, start by running just 3 blocks. By doing this everyday eventually you will run 3 miles.
Now, to change the world you have to fight constantly. For example: PETA is an organization that helps fight against animal cruelty. They always assist protest, go to the government to be heard and risk their lives for the sake of the animals. The members are also vegan, they know where the produce cones from and decide not to eat or wear anything animal. These steps make sure that at least some animals aren't eaten or being harmed.
This uses A. non-sequitur logic.
This is because the second inference does not rely upon the first. Just because someone likes the <em>Star Wars</em> movies does not mean that they also like the <em>Harry Potter </em>movies. These are two unrelated things, so a person does not automatically like both. <span />
Personification gives inhuman objects human qualities or actions, here the stove "gave a hissing sigh", which suggests a human like action because stoves don't typically "sigh" but humans do.
The first answer
It mentions Illinois. so we know the setting is not Puerto Rico