the third-person point of view, most commonly seen in the works of fiction, relates all the actions of a character in third person. writing in third person relies heavily on pronouns; such as “he”, “she”, and “they”.
writing is typically easiest done in first person, as it is easy to describe one’s own thoughts. though, writing in third person allows for much more freedom. writing in first person limits the author to only one perspective, while writing in third person allows for multiple perspectives.
think of it like this: when writing in third person, it is almost as if you are describing a play happening right before your eyes. as the writer, you are “all-knowing”. because you are writing in third person, you have no biases or preferences. leaving your readers to rely on you rather than the tellings of a character.
the most important rule regarding point of view is that it must be consistent. as soon as a writer drifts from one point of view to another, the reader will pick up on it. this will result in the writer losing their authority as a storyteller and causing confusion to the reader. for example, let’s say that a character in a third-person narrative has a secret. the writer can not reveal this secret unless the character says it in dialogue, making it a bit trickier to add in key points for the plot.
i hope this helps!