a roar can be used in both a lion and thunder
Well according to my prior knowledge I was thinking that maybe in midnight is at 12:00 then isnt afternight at 12:01? Questionare of the year goes to the guy im sitting next to named Jaysie!!
Young people like a teenager, always thinking about fun and be free and uncontrollable that they thought they know better but at the end of the day they can not take their responsibilities example of that is having sex with no protection and being drunk no matter when it is absolutely disgusting!
I need brainliest for this though k?
Cat's Vs Dogs: Revenge Seeking RasCAT
-ArrowHat (cat)
Sassy, "Beautiful", SPHINX
-BonFire (Bunny)
Serious, Funny, Black Bunny.
They were traveling to a secret observation underground runned by Cats.
As Cat's were enemies of bunnies, While Cat's were enemies of bunnys.
They met challenging quest's, And even went in the wrong direction.
The Bunnys had a plan, As the bunny put secret explosive's in the cat bunker.
Their base exploded, The only thing left was bones, Or Maybe.....
Yes cities is a collective noun