a. Asset value
Asset value is the value of a share in the company.
The asset value is calculated as
= [ Difference between the total of its assets and its liabilities ] ÷ [ The number of ordinary shares issued ]
The asset value may also be the equal as the book value or the it may be same as equity value of a business.
A source file has source code, what a human understands. It isn't compiled or linked.
An object file has compiled, but not linked intermediary code.
An executable file has compiled and linked code which is executable.
Answer: Click a layer in the Layers panel. To select multiple contiguous layers, click the first layer and then Shift-click the last layer. To select multiple noncontiguous layers, Ctrl-click (Windows) or Command-click (Mac OS) them in the Layers panel.
A software repository is a storage location for software packages. Often a table of contents is also stored, along with metadata. A software repository is typically managed by source control or repository managers.
I hope this helps
C++ Code:
void sort3(double &a, double &b, double &c)
if(a > b)
if (b > c)
if (a > b)
To change the values of a,b,c within the function, we pass the values by reference. Let us assume that number a = 3.14, b = 2.71, c = 3.04. Since a > b, values of a and b will be swapped.Now a = 2.71 and b = 3.14. Similariy, since b > c, they will be swapped. This way, we move the largest number to its correct position in the first two steps. If there are only three numbers, and the largest number is in its correct position, then for the two remaining numbers, we will only need atmost one swap to exchange their positions. hence, we perform a comparison of a > b once again to see if the b is smaller than a. if its not, then all a,b,c are in sorted order.