Answer: The valuable, precious, or expensive items.
Opening unfamiler emails and visiting unknown websites
One of the things that are a challenge, is that you have to get the correct puntuation, correct capitilization, because it's a buisness email. You ont want to mess a buisness email up. You also have to have no repating phrases and sentences. You can't be adding random words and saying "and" all the time.
SELECT paintname, COUNT(paintname) as count_paintname
FROM paint
GROUP BY paintname HAVING COUNT(paintname) > 2
ORDER BY paintname
The structured query language or SQL statement returns two columns of paintname and the count of the distinct paint names in the paint table with rows of grouped paint names greater than two and in the ascending order of the names.
Sharing your personal information and identity theft but if you’re supposed to choose one then sharing your personal information must be right