The chants can be sung by using six-note patterns called hexachords. Gregorian melodies are traditionally written using neumes, an early form of musical notation from which the modern four-line and five-line staff developed. Good luck!!
A doctrine which requires that all research materials that are used to be cited
Real connection with college situations.
Find out the different careers you may study.
Real connection with college situations
You can the different activities that are carried out during the classes such as a lecture, an oral presentation, a debate, a sport activity and even attend a meal event in the cafeteria. It will help you get involved or at least have a notion of the campus life.
Find out the different careers you may study
Maybe, you still don´t know what to study. So, a group college visit may help you make up your mind on what career to chose. College students will take you on a tour and they´ll talk about the different careers that you can study.
I'd say both! Because wether or not the decisions good or not, both of'em are going to have hard impacts. For example: When someone makes a good decision, like helping someone who needs to get their life on a right path or dealing with some hard or addictive habits can leave such tremendous impacts. Even when the decision to making the wrong choices become a harsh impact as well!
2nd one because it’s I elastic