There are 4 rectangles in the ArrayList shapes. ArrayLists start counting at 0 so when index is 3, dataRecord will be the 4th rectangle. The length and width of the 4th rectangle in shapes are both 4 so the area is 16 and the perimeter is 16. The answer is 3.
you either have a good or bad trip , when i did it my walls , the tress , the grass was moving like waves. Music was better and i was just happy the whole time. Your eyes/pupil will open up so you will look crazy high. Don't do it if your parents are around. Effects supposly last 12 hours but the times i did it , it would only last me 2-5 hours. i must have had some weak stuff but i did hallucinate and they where all amazing trips
Denis Diderot lifework, the Encyclopedia, was a powerful weapon against ecclesiastical and governmental institutions. It revealed the truth; it contained “maxims that would tend to destroy royal authority… and lay the foundations for the corruption of morals and religion”
Yes! this is actually really good